Sunday, November 16, 2008

Farm hand Harvey

This is Harvey.
He is a weiner dog. Don't tell him that though. He thinks he's tough. I think it's little dog syndrome. He's kind of a dumb dog. Actually, he is a really dumb dog. And he doesn't mind at all.

Today Harvey decided that he is a farm hand dog. He rounded up all of the cows. Actually he started a stampede. I took out my camera because at first it was pretty funny. Then it got scary and I stopped taking pictures. I truely thought he would be stomped like dirt, but thankfully he is quick.

He thought it was great fun herding them from one side of the field to the other. The cows on the otherhand didn't think it was so fun. They scuffed and mooed and chased him. Scary stuff. And the dumb dog does not listen to reason, and would not come back.

Thankfully he is back in his kennel, and I am thinking of what a great Christmas gift he might make another family! Any takers? He has a matching brother too!

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