Monday, July 14, 2008

It's the little things that excite me

Okay, so this wasn't so little.
Thanks to my wonderful, favorite dad, oh yeah, he's my only dad! We got free topsoil!
YAY!!! Thanks daddy!
My dad works for Granite, and he had 2 loads of soil delived to us today. Zack had to take pictures to post. He's such a great photographer!
We had our boulders delivered last week and the plans are being drawn up for the sprinkler system today. Were moving right along.
I can't wait to have grass. My poor dogs can't wait to have grass. They sneak out every chance they get and go to the neighbors house to roll on the grass, among other things! Eek. I don't think they like us much! Oh, well. They are the ones in charge of putting up the fence. Maybe that will make them get it up faster! Hehe!
Well, I'm off to find the shovel.

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