I feel like I have so much to blog about today. Forgive me if I get long-winded!
First of all I have to tell you about Zack. Zack seems to be Mr. Popular in our nighborhood. We constantly have kids over to play all day long. It starts just moments after school lets out until 9:00 at night. We LOVE it. At times there are 7-10 kids here at a time. It's so different from our last neighborhood where I don't know that we even had 10 kids total! Well anyway, Zack and a group of friends are making a "rock climbing wall" in the mound of dirt piled in the empty lot next door. It's almost finished, and as they are making the last few adjustments, the girls across the street realized that they may need a "nurses station"!!! Apparently it's a wall for "skilled climbers" and you just never know, someone could fall. How cute is that?! As they are explaining this to me I am trying my hardest to keep a straight face. They are adorable!
Zack, being the entrepenuer that he is, is planning to charge the neighborhood kids to climb! They also plan to have a bow and arrow station and an airsoft gun section. They might do something else for the younger kids, like make a slide or something, but they just don't know for sure yet! Too funny! I love the imiganations of these children. I love how simple life is for them. I wish that for just one day, I could go back to being a simple minded, imaginative child!
Jenny, my best friend since I was 5, called me today. We haven't talked for a couple of years. I hate how life just gets in the way sometimes and you lose track of the imporatant things, or in this case, people in you life.
It was SO great to talk to her. I miss her so much. We spent a few hours just reminissing about our childhood.
Talk about imiganations! Holy cow. We did some of the funniest things. We used to jump on our bikes and ride off for hours tring to "Solve a mystery" I don't know that we ever knew exactly what mystery it was we were solving, but who cared? We had our pencil, paper and bikes and we were off-like Nancy Drew!
We were also VERY mischeivous. Hehehe! There was this family that lived across the street from her that frequently had babysitters for their little girls. Next door to them was a scary house with questionable tenants. Well, we would watch for the babysitter to get there and then we would call and pretent to be the "questionable" neighbor in need of a cup of sugar. Mind you, this was way back in the days BEFORE caller ID! We would tell the poor babysitter that we were unable to come over to get the sugar so could she please bring it to us. With much hesitation she would do it. It was always so funny to see the faces of both the reciepent of the sugar, and the sitter! We would watch slyly from her front window and just die laughing! How awful we were, but aww, the memories! Hehehe!!!
I had such a great childhood. We were very fortunate to live in a neighborhood with tons of children the same age. Unfortunately, that neighborhood grew up and moved away and once my children were born there weren't many kids to play with. I am so grateful to be here where my kids can have a childhood like I did. One where you can play outside all day and use your imagination freely!
Homemade Calzone
Calzone Ingredients and Substitutions Calzones Filling How to Make Homemade
Calzones Recipe FAQ This recipe was originally published February 2025.
1 day ago
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