Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose at least 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
1. My favorite color is red. Any shade of red-I love it!
2. I LOVE to play games. Board games, wii games, you name it, I'll play it!
3. My dream is to be on a game show someday. Preferably The Price is Right, Lingo, Deal or No Deal or Chain Reaction. I love the game show network!
4. I do not like to be alone.
5. My hair is 24 inches long and grows over 6 inches per year.
6. I always wanted to be an elementary school teacher, I just haven't had desire to go back to school
7. I love to stand on my head. I don't know why, but I really do and I am good at it!
8. When I get really mad or frustrated I spit.
9. My dad taught me how to change the oil and a tire long before I could drive.
10. I learned how to drive a stick shift "3 on the tree" when I was 14
11. My first car was a 1963 Nova Super Sport. It rocked! It was super fast ,super hot and, it was a 3 on the tree!
12. I taught all the kids in the neighborhood how to drive a stick
13. I LOVE to read.
14. I am afraid of the dentist. I have to take a Xanax everytime I go.
15. I hate going inside a bank. I could never work at one! Yes, I am a wuss!
16. I love doing family history
17. Mike and I went to school together our entire lives, but actually "met" on my front step when we were adults.
18. We bought a house together before we even considered getting married
19. I would love to have twin boys
20. I have had 3 miscarriages in one year
21. I don't like my job
22. I love to ride bikes and go on long walks
23. I love photography
24. I am a true friend
25. I can keep a secret
I am adding in a #26......I have NOT eaten hamburger (in any form) in almost 20 years!
Homemade Calzone
Calzone Ingredients and Substitutions Calzones Filling How to Make Homemade
Calzones Recipe FAQ This recipe was originally published February 2025.
18 hours ago