2011, A new year and new resolutions.
This year I resolve to be realistic. Yep, that's it. I may set a few goals along the way-but they will be realistic ones that I can reach.
Now I know that I SHOULD be resolving to lose weight, exercise more, be nicer, stop swearing, be better organized, finish the basement, finish all my crafts before starting new onesand the list goes on and on and on and on.
BUT, remember, I am being REALISTIC here. So.....
I will TRY not to gain weight, I won't swear at the treadmill, I'll TRY not to hate Jillian, I will buy a whole bunch more containers with the intention of putting things away nicely, try to finish most of the crafty things I start and only worry about getting the walls up in the basement. Thank goodness I have a whole year to TRY to work on these.
Homemade Calzone
Calzone Ingredients and Substitutions Calzones Filling How to Make Homemade
Calzones Recipe FAQ This recipe was originally published February 2025.
18 hours ago